Sonya's Patates Braavos: Edition #23 πŸ’ŒπŸ₯”

Week of July 15: poem, nature, cucumber

TLDR: poem, nature, cucumber

welcome πŸ‘‹ 

Hello, brave patates! πŸ₯” This week I’m savouring a rich feeling of calmness and relaxation. It’s new to me. Here a few words to invite you on the journey:

Reconnect with nature. Notice the bumblebees.
Inhale the mid-July heat and wildflowers.
Hear the river babble at the shore.
Time may appear linear.
There are ancient wisdom teachings
About our Souls, our Intuitions
Through generations we inherit things
Yet we have the power to open our eyes
To finally unearth awareness
To find the timeless place
The limitless mind.

Cook: easy 2-minute Asian cucumber salad

Watch: What/If (Netflix) was a fabulous weekend binge-watch. It’s a dynamic thriller starring Oscar-winning Renee Zellweger, who proposes to buy a promising biotech startup. Featuring moral dilemmas, expert-level manipulation, and immaculate 2010s vibes despite being made in 2019. Reminded me of Pretty Little Liars with a business narrative.

Yoga: this 15-minute nervous system slow-down practice by Adriene is a brave way to tune into your true self.

Permission: to take an 8km walk. To not do anything for a day. To rest. To only eat pizza for 2 days. To leave your mind alone. To let the guilt dissipate. To see that today is ending, just like tomorrow will end. Eventually, there will be no more days to end.

Walk: from Bayview LRT there is a beautiful nature path - when entering through the Hintonburg field, turn right, go straight until you see a detour sign, turn left, go under the bridge and you will end up at the Ottawa River. Go left to Parkdale and Westboro, on the path you will see NCC Bistro, or go right towards the War Museum and Parliament.

Work: visited the War Museum on Friday - I am writing a series of articles for them about their new exhibition - Canadian wars through the eyes of 52 women artists. Highly recommend.

DYK? The war museum tour guide told me the Canadian military played a large role in training the Ukrainian military. Now, the Canadian military is stationed in the Baltics preparing for a potential Russian invasion into Eastern Europe.

If you got this far, thanks for reading ❀️ cooked something yummy? lmk. went to a cool event or read a fun book? lmk. see you on the flip side πŸ₯” 

- xoxo, gossip girl

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